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THE AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT 2024 is organised by Africa Communication Events France, registered under number 902831395, at 57 bis rue d’Auteuil, 75 016 Paris (France), the registered office

The terms and conditions herein apply to THE AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT 2024 (the Forum). They govern the relationship between you, the participant, and Africa Communication Events France (the Organiser), the organiser of the Forum. By submitting a registration form to attend THE AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of THE AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT, in addition to the general terms and conditions for the use of Mediactive (Aloha platform), the online ticket-sales service.

These general terms and conditions of sale apply to the event THE AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT 2024 and govern the relationships, whether it concerns sponsor(s), partner(s), and/or participant(s) regarding their financial contributions and/or participation with the company Africa Communication Events France, organizer of the forum. By validating their participation, partnership, and/or order, the sponsor(s), partner, and/or participant declares unconditional acceptance of the terms of said order as well as the entirety of these general terms and conditions of sale and those of the provider Mediactive (Aloha platform), within the framework of electronic ticketing for the purchase of individual and/or group entries to the event.

Pre-registration Procedure

Participation in AFIS 2025 is reserved for senior executives of major African financial institutions. Registration is confirmed based on availability and compliance with admission criteria. Participation fees must be paid before the event; access may be denied in case of non-payment.

Sponsorship, Partnership, and Registration Fees

1 – The amount due to Africa Communication Events France for sponsorship and partnership is confirmed by a prior Purchase Order and/or a specific contract.

2 – The amount due to Africa Communication Events France for registration is indicated on the pre-registration form and on the registration page of the official event website. It is payable upon signature of the form, and in any case, before the start of the event. In case of non-payment at the opening of the AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT 2024, the organizer is entitled to refuse access to the conferences, in the absence of immediate and full payment of the amount due by Credit Card (CB). The amount paid upon registration includes participation in all conferences, complete documentation on the forum, refreshments, two lunches, and a gala dinner (depending on the status). The prices indicated are deemed accurate at the time of publication. Africa Communication Events France reserves the right to modify them at any time, but these modifications do not affect registrations validated beforehand.


1 – Sponsorship and Partnership

In the event that, after the commitment of the sponsor and/or partner and more than sixty (60) days before the first day of the Event, the Sponsor and/or partner decides to withdraw from its commitment, the Organizer will refund the financial consideration paid by the sponsor and/or partner, minus the amount of rights and benefits that the sponsor and/or partner has benefited from until the date of the withdrawal. This amount will be determined solely by the Organizer.

The sponsor and/or partner waives any dispute and recourse in this regard. Any withdrawal notified less than sixty (60) days before the first day of the Event will not give rise to any refund, and the entirety of the amounts paid by the sponsor and/or partner will remain acquired by the Organizer. The sponsor and/or partner waives any dispute and recourse in this regard.

In the event that the sponsor and/or partner has not paid the full amount due on the date of the withdrawal notified less than sixty (60) days before the first day of the Event, the organizer is automatically authorized to request the balance from the Sponsor, who must pay it as soon as possible.

2 – Ticketing individual and/or group entries

Africa Communication Events France does not provide any refunds, regardless of the reason for cancellation. A participant unable to attend may be represented by a replacement of equivalent hierarchical level, subject to the express agreement of the organizer, who must be informed as soon as possible. No request will be accepted if it is made less than 20 days before the start of the forum. If, due to force majeure, the Event is entirely and definitively canceled (and not simply postponed), the Organizer will fully refund the financial contribution paid by the participant. If, due to force majeure, the participant is compelled to withdraw from the contract (subject to providing proof of force majeure), the Organizer will refund the financial consideration paid by the participant.

Specific Conditions related to a pandemic/health crisis (e.g., Covid type, etc.)

The organizers comply with the legal health obligations in force in the country and/or recommended by the WHO at the date of the event.

They undertake to implement any necessary measures in the event of a confirmed health crisis (mask-wearing, capacity limit, verification of health pass, etc.). Participants, sponsor(s), and/or partner(s) undertake to comply with these obligations. They ensure at the time of registration compliance with the imposed constraints, particularly in terms of vaccination (“health pass/vaccine pass”).

Cancellation due to the absence of a health pass/vaccine pass will not result in any refund.

Travel and Accommodation Participants

Sponsor(s), and/or partner(s) at the AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT 2024 are responsible for their travel and accommodation.

Visa Regulations

The AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT 2024 will be held in Casablanca, Morocco. For nationals of countries requiring a visa, consular authorities will issue a visa with a maximum duration of three months.

Please be aware that the application process takes time. You must apply a minimum of 4 weeks before your travel date. 

For exact information about the procedure to apply for a visa, please visit

If necessary and at your request, the organizer will provide you with an official letter confirming your participation. Due to visa processing times, no such requests will be processed after November 11, 2024.

Personal Data Protection

The information collected is recorded in a computerized file by Africa Communication Events and ALOHA EVENTS, by Mediactive Events for:

1° the identification of participants in the AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT 2024. The legal basis for processing is THE CONTRACT.

2° the creation of a customer base necessary for the marketing of products offered by the JEUNE AFRIQUE MEDIA GROUP and its subsidiaries. The legal basis for processing is LEGITIMATE INTEREST.

The collected data will be communicated to the following recipients: Forum Organizer, reception staff, security.

Personal data of inactive persons in this database will be deleted after 36 months. You can access your data, rectify it, request its deletion, or exercise your right to limit the processing of your data.

Consult the website for more information on your rights. To exercise these rights or for any questions about the processing of your data in this system, you can contact:

[email protected].

If you believe, after contacting us, that your “Computer and Liberties” rights are not respected,

you can make a complaint to the CNIL.

Right to Image

The use of cameras, audio, and video devices during the AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT 2024 is strictly regulated.

The organizer reserves the right to authorize recordings or captures of the conferences and their distribution outside the forum premises.

By registering and/or participating in the AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT 2024, you acknowledge that you may be interviewed, filmed, or photographed in this professional context, and you authorize the organizer to use these elements worldwide for commercial or promotional purposes for a period of 10 years.

In accordance with the provisions of Article L 112-2 of the Intellectual Property Code, free access to data concerning you is guaranteed.

You can verify at any time the use made of them and have the right to withdraw this data if you deem it necessary.

Limitation of Liability

By accepting these general conditions, you release Africa Communication Events France from any liability regarding cancellation fees, including administrative taxes, that may result for the participants.

Obligations of Participants, Sponsor(s), and/or Partner(s) Africa Communication Events France reserves the right to prohibit access to the forum to any participant, sponsor(s), and/or partner(s) whose behavior is likely to disrupt its progress.

The organizer has sole discretion in this decision, which may concern, in particular: persons presenting a security risk, those who disturb the conferences or other participants with noise or inappropriate attire, or those who do not comply with these general conditions.

By registering for the AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT 2024, you agree to follow the instructions given to you by the organizer or by the conference venue manager in order to ensure the comfort and safety of all participants.


Each sponsor(s) participant(s) or participating companies and/or their representatives at the AFRICA FINANCIAL INDUSTRY SUMMIT 2024 acknowledge that they have liability insurance (RC).

This insurance must cover all damages that each participant or participating companies and/or their representatives may directly and/or indirectly cause to third parties during the event.