Ripert BOSSOUKPE has been Secretary General of the Financial Markets Authority of the West African Monetary Union (AMF-UMOA) since July 2019. In this position he participates alongside the Chairman of AMF-UMOA in strategic direction of the financial market and of the organization, and is in charge of the operational management of all the reform projects of the regional financial market of the WAMU.
He has twenty (20) years of professional experience in the financial sector in West Africa. His professional career began in the Benin office of the international audit and consulting firm Mazars. As Head of Mission, he supervised or directed, between 2003 and 2007, numerous missions of advice, audit, restructuring of companies in various sectors (telecommunications, industry, insurance, banking, aeronautics, development projects, etc.).
He continued his career at the AMF-UMOA where he was Director of Issuers for ten (10) years from 2009 to 2019, after a first experience of a few months as an Inspector in charge of market surveillance.
After a first course in public accounting, Mr. BOSSOUKPE is currently preparing a Doctorate of Business in strategic management at Georgetown University in the United States. He holds numerous certifications from Harvard Law School (Boston), the International Law Institute (Washington DC), the Toronto Centre and IESE.
At the international level, Mr. BOSSOUKPE was selected as an Expert, after a rigorous process, to participate in the work of the Working Group set up by the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) for the elaboration of the IFSB 24 standard devoted to the guidelines for the protection of investors in Islamic capital markets (IFSB 24) and published in December 2020.