Manuella SANTOS

Ms Manuella M. Santos is Togo’s Minister for Investment Promotion. She joined the Government of Togo in September 2023, following her appointment by the President of the Togolese Republic, His Excellency Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE.
With over fifteen years’ experience in financial engineering and risk management, Ms Santos has a proven track record with US financial institutions such as Barclays Capital and Lehman Brothers.
Ms Santos is a market finance specialist with an MBA (Master of Business Administration) in International Finance from Long Island University and a Bachelor of Finance from the University of Massachusetts.
As Minister for Investment Promotion, Ms Santos is implementing a policy for the growth of private investment with a focus on the high value-added services sector, such as finance and logistics. One of her objectives is to position Togo as a benchmark for the sustainable protection of private investment in Africa.