Mahmoud joined Corus International in May 2023 as the
organization’s first Chief Operating Officer. In this role,
Mahmoud will oversee a broad portfolio of organization
both businesses and non for profit focusing on Program operations, business development, impact and partnerships as well as legal and legal and compliance. Mahmoud will spearhead a holistic integration of various processes while seeking efficiencies across the organization. Prior to joining Corus, Mahmoud worked for nearly 13‐year at the Millennium Challenge Corporation, where he served as Deputy Chief Executive Officer, a presidential appointed position in an U.S. foreign assistance agency. MCC provides large grants to support eligible and selected countries to reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable economic growth. To date, MCC hasinvested more than $15 billion in compact and threshold programs worldwide, with $8 billion of active programs that support data driven and country‐led infrastructure and policy reform projects in health, agriculture, education, energy, finance and enterprise development and more.
Mahmoud has over 20 years of experience in international development, project finance and financial
management, public and forensic accounting including mergers and acquisitions, advisory and consulting
services in both the public and private sectors. He is a non‐practicing Certified Public Accountant (CPA‐
Inactive) and has an MBA from the University of Maryland – Robert H. Smith School of Business.