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Isabelle BEBEAR

Director, International and European Affairs / Bpifrance

Isabelle Bébéar has been Director of International and European Affairs at Bpifrance since 2019. Her team is developing Bpifrance’s international relations to raise the bank’s profile and promote the growth of French businesses: get involved in the world to serve the future.

In this capacity, Isabelle oversees relations with European and international institutions and partnerships with sovereign wealth funds and long-term investors. She supports foreign governments in the development of their entrepreneurial ecosystems. She is responsible for EuroQuity, the digital platform that connects innovative companies with business opportunities and international investors. She also manages Averroès Africa, a fund of funds dedicated to investing in African companies.

Isabelle is also a director of Proparco (Agence Française de Développement group) and a member of its audit and risk committee. She is also Vice-Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of HDBI, the Hellenic Development Bank for Investment, and a member of the Board of Directors of Attijariwafa Bank Europe. She is a co-chairs the international development bank forum, The Montreal Group.

Bpifrance is France’s public development bank and sovereign wealth fund, in charge of financing companies from seed to listing. With a total balance sheet of €80 billion and €50.3 billion under management, Bpifrance injected €63 billion into the French economy in 2023. Its net profit was €1.1 billion. It is equally owned by the State and Caisse des Dépôts.

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